

“Through our commitment to the “Shape the Future” campaign, we grasp the audacious. A world-class faith-forward education is not just about academics; it encompasses exceptional initiatives, 变革性学生经历, 以及有影响力的资本项目. At OBU, we have the power to equip students with the education and understanding they need to shape the future. Let us embrace this opportunity and leave a lasting legacy.”

Dr. Heath A. Thomas

God has done something in each of our lives; what will we do in the lives of others?


OBU continues to charge ahead with determination to equip our students to Shape the Future. While we actively renew the campus following the devastation of the spring 2023 tornado, 我们考虑了OBU的优先事项, 价值观和目标, and are launching the “Shape the Future” campaign with boldness and an assurance that the Lord will provide above and beyond. Our vision for OBU at this pivotal time is to pursue a strategic campaign effort in:

  • 学术投资: Invest in creating additional leading-edge programs for our students, and provide greater financial support to our students through endowed scholarships, providing more students the opportunity to be shaped by a world-class education rooted in Christ
  • 功能改进: Repair, improve and enhance our facilities where our students are transformed by an educational experience that continues for a lifetime
  • 校园生活改善: Provide students additional opportunities to build relationships through investments in athletics facilities, 俱乐部和组织, as well as provide additional enhancements in food service options

Please join us and other generous supporters to “Shape the Future” of OBU.



自1915年以来, 肖尼大厅 has been as much a part of the OBU student experience as Ka-Rip and The Walk. 作为OBU的第一个校园结构, 肖尼学院为OBU的每一位学生提供服务, 大约40,000名学生, 在很大程度上. 在过去的一个世纪, 这座历史建筑曾为学生们提供住宿, 餐饮设施, 大学图书馆, 剧院, 大学出版社, 学术教室和教员办公室. 龙卷风将历史悠久的肖尼大厅夷为废墟. However, this created the opportunity to shape the future as never before. 肖尼大厅 currently houses the School of 教育 and the Marriage and Family Therapy program. Help us advance an old friend into the future as we literally rebuild this venerable building from scratch.


“这座建筑必须不仅仅是钢铁和石头. 它必须, 事实上, be a part of each one of us – the spire of our faith, a faith which somehow in this physical expression we would ever keep faith before our youth.” Those are the words of President John Wesley Raley in his 1944 speech to the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. This iconic structure unfortunately also suffered significant tornado damage. The revitalization of this chapel can be symbolic of OBU’s vibrant future!


OBU is committed to converting 瑟蒙德大厅 into cutting-edge classrooms and state-of-the-art 实验室 tailored to the needs of our engineering program. Extensive research and analysis have confirmed that offering engineering degrees is a vital area of growth for OBU, and it is imperative that we furnish our students with an exceptional facility that enables them to receive the highest level of education.

W.P. 木科学大厦

Think about the 木科学大厦 not only as a building where research can change the lives of others, 也包括学校的学生. 在木科学大楼的墙内, 你会发现科学和数学教室, 实验室, the W. P. 伍德天文馆和贝利科学博物馆. There is a pressing need for modernized classrooms and 实验室, as well as the integration of new educational technology and tools that will greatly benefit our students.


Every gift to OBU 中文博彩平台 will enhance athletic facilities and expand scholarships for student-athletes. By investing in state-of-the-art sports infrastructure and increasing scholarship opportunities, we will foster excellence and ensure that talented students from all backgrounds can succeed both in athletics and in the classroom. Join us in supporting our athletes as they pursue their greatest athletic, 学业和个人目标.


在高等教育中, it is important to realize that tuition alone does not fund a student’s college experience. OBU’s 年度基金 plays a critical role in keeping tuition costs down. This important avenue of giving makes up the difference between the amount needed to actually educate a student and what a student actually pays.

作为校友, friends and family you can have a direct impact by helping to provide the foundation that supports the academic, social, and spiritual growth that occurs in the lives of students on Bison Hill. Our 年度基金 helps meet the needs of scholarship, 我们的教室和实验室的要求, and the everyday expenses that Impact the Student Experience.


In reviewing the major expenses necessary for our future growth, please consider joining OBU in achieving its campaign base goal of $42.500万美元,挑战目标是4500万美元.

OBU will ensure that every gift is honored to provide the highest quality educational experience for our students. 谢谢,愿上帝保佑OBU!

At OBU, we transform lives by equipping students to pursue academic excellence, 将信仰与所有领域的知识结合起来, 参与一个多样化的世界. We are driven by the goal of shaping students to live lives worthy of the high calling of God in Christ and helping them become community shapers grounded in a Biblical identity.

You can shape the future through your prayers, gifts and advocacy for 俄克拉何马浸会大学.

